Producing 40,000 boe per day — and potential for more

Pieridae’s assets with the highest production are in the Southern and Central Foothills of Alberta’s Rocky Mountains. 

The Waterton, Carbondale, Burmis and Hinton wells have been producing oil and natural gas for 20 to 50 years, providing the fuel families need everyday to heat their homes and cook their food.
We also have production capacity in the Northern Foothills of Alberta and in Northern BC. 

Our Assets

As the largest Foothills producers in North America, our upstream assets are diverse and make up some of the biggest conventional gas reservoirs in North America. 

Across Alberta and British Columbia, our footprint stretches over one million gross acres of land; with ownership of three deep cut gas plants and more than 3,800 kilometres of pipelines. 

Discover the full Foothills story.


Pieridae Assets Map

We produce roughly 40,000 - 45,000 boe/d consisting of roughly:

  • 200 mmcf/d of gas
  • 8500 bbls/d of liquids
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Southern Foothills

Spanning 116,000 gross acres in the Waterton area, our southern Foothills assets produce roughly 34 mmcf/d. This comes from three main fields: Waterton, Carbondale and Burmis. 

All production flows to our Waterton gas plant which has been operating for over 50 years. 


Waterton fall 2020 shot

Central Foothills

Our central Foothills assets cover the largest area of all our upstream assets: 570,000 gross acres.

Operating just southwest of Calgary to west of Hinton, Alberta, the area produces 130 mmcf/d. Production from these assets flows to four main gas plants: Pieridae owned and operated Jumping Pound and Caroline gas plants, the Ram River gas plant and Hanlan Robb gas plants.

Our Jumping Pound and Caroline gas plants have both been operating for well over 20 years.

We also own some of the most prolific wells east of the foothills that produce out of carbonate reef buildups. The Caroline gas plant itself was built on top of one of these discoveries and it boasts a 95 per cent recovery of the original gas in the reservoir before production. 


Caroline blue sky shot

Northern Foothills

Our northern Foothills asset stretches from just west of Edson, Alberta to the Ojay property at the border of British Columbia covering 270,000 gross acres. The area produces 25 mmcf/d which flows to non-operated gas plants at Narraway, British Columbia and Edson, Alberta. 

This asset is significant because of the partial development of some of the aged reservoirs. These provide us with a production history of the area that acts as a reference point for future production. 

We are not currently planning to drill wells in the northern Foothills due to the dry nature of the gas.

Jumping Pound Colin pipes

NEBC – Sierra/Ekwan

Situated in the Sierra/Ekwan area of northeastern British Columbia, our assets here extend across 100,000 gross acres.

This is not a core asset for Pieridae but it does provide us with 7 mmcf/d of gas production. We also own a 100 per cent working interest in the Sierra Pine Point pool with 27 mmcf/d of production. 

We are looking to develop this area in the future once capital is available and the conditions are right. 

Waterton Carey Tetzlaff shot